
Leonard Rutgers
prof. dr.
Prof.dr. Leonard V. Rutgers is professor of Late Antiquity. He is particularly interested in questions of identity formation, migration, religion and violence in Late Antiquity and the Early Middle Ages. Rutgers' research is interdisciplinary in nature as evidenced by publications in Nature, Radiocarbon and The Journal of Archaeological Science. He is the author of the award winning The Jews in Late Ancient Rome. Evidence of Cultural Interaction in the Roman Diaspora (2000), and various other publications in the area of Jewish-Christian relations, including Making Myths. Jews in Early Christian Identity Formation (2009).
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Ortal-Paz Saar
Ortal-Paz Saar researches religious studies and Jewish cultural history. She is particularly interested in portraying the interaction between different religious traditions. Previously focusing on ancient and medieval magic and rituals, she is currently completing a monograph titled Lives of Jews in Italy: The Prism of Funerary Inscriptions.
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Susanna Wolfert De Vries
PhD candidate
Susanna is currently working as a PhD candidate on a project focusing on the emergence of Hebrew and Aramaic among the Jewish communities in Egypt as part of a Diasporic survival strategy. Her other fields of interest include Biblical studies, Early Christian culture, Jewish life in Antiquity and gender studies.
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Constanza Cordoni
Constanza's research interests are in literature and history of ideas of Late Antiquity and the Middle Ages. She has focused on texts of Latin and vernacular Christian hagiography and of rabbinic literature. Her current project at the University of Utrecht deals with the notion of the Land of Israel in rabbinic literature.
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